Saturday, August 2, 2008

How are you doing today with your diet?

Do you have trouble staying focused? Do you make it until about 3pm and then just want to go find the best candy bar in the vending machine? That sounds like me Thursday at work. You might be wondering how I handled myself. Well, for the past year now I've resisted the vending machine at work. I broke down on Thursday, however.

I've been focused for so long, but it's now getting a bit tougher. I needed chocolate... I grabbed some change and headed straight for the vending machine. Peanut M & M's were calling to me. I purchased them, opened them and stuck the first one in my mouth. Mmm! Then the next one slipped into my mouth.

Guilt began to come over me. I read the calorie count... 250 calories for the package. That's equal to 5 apples or 2-1/2 bananas! Yet much harder for my body to break down and process than fruit. Though the chocolate tasted good, I decided to compromise. I ate HALF the package, gave the remaining to my husband to eat. (Forgot he doesn't eat peanuts IN things.) He then kept the other half of the package for me to enjoy another day.

Just wanted to encourage you that even when you have a day that you begin to struggle, you can still make choices that may help you "enjoy" a little without totally falling off the wagon. So, keep up the good work... stay focused! And, remember if you're really doing this for YOU, you can do it!!! Picture yourself at your goal weight... you can do it!

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