Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Water... your best drink option!

Hi! I've been quite busy this week, but thought I better take a few minutes to post another weight loss tip.

Water... this is what you should be drinking each and every day... at least 8 glasses (64 ounces total). More is even better. Other drink options include coffee and tea, preferably warm tea. You should use a sugar substitute rather than sugar. The best sugar substitute available is Xylotol. Do not count your cups of coffee or tea as part of your 64 ounces of water.

Start first thing in the morning with 8 ounces of water. This will help fill your stomach. Then, throughout the day keep a cup of water with you to sip.

Although you may think it's okay to drink diet soda, it's really not good for you. It actually causes you to be more thirsty as well as causing you to crave foods, especially sugars.

So, if you're craving some pop, just take a sip of a friends and then go back to your water. If you're bored with plain old water, then try some flavored water or sparkling water. I began the switch from pop to flavored water. That's the only way I managed to make the switch. Then, after a few months, I got tired of the sweet flavor of the water and actually preferred plain, crisp, cool water.

Good luck... have a drink (of water) on me tonight!

Remember, weight loss is possible. You can do it. Stay focused and take baby steps!

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